These blogs, I just can’t seem to write them. I will say Charlotte is vastly improving in the area of separation anxiety. However, the nights are much worse. If I can get her to sleep till 4am I feel I’ve made improvement. It makes for one tired momma but I know I’ll look back and think it was such a short time so I’m trying to savor even the time I have with her in the wee hours of the morning.
Friday, we headed to Auburn for a night and had a lovely dinner with my parents, brother will, and Will’s girlfriend Nadia was our lovely server. After dinner we headed back to the apartment, put Charlotte to bed, and all stayed up laughing till we cried watching YouTube videos of talking animals done by BBC. This sort of thing is typical for my family and I love it. I don’t know if it’s normal but I don’t care. We all love to laugh and laugh we did. That night I lay in bed thinking that I hope one day my own children and I have this kind of relationship. That I am not just a parent but a best friend. I know being a parent comes first and it all always did for my own mom and dad but somewhere along the way the respect and love of a parent bloomed into admiration of a friend. I pray someday Charlotte and I will share this kind of bond.
Saturday morning, my parents, Will, Nadia, Charlotte, and I all headed to Montgomery for Alabama’s first Annual Walk-n-Roll for Spina Bifida. It was my first social SB event and I hope it is the beginning of many more. The turnout was great and the walk was a ton of fun. THANKS SO MUCH to all those who helped make it happen. I can’t wait till next year. We have already decided to do our own T-shirts and I think Charlotte will enjoy it even more. She was a bit sleepy this time but next year she will really dig the face painting and all the fun animals. After the walk we headed to an amazing children’s store called the NameDropper to get shower and birthday gifts. They had smocked dress galore and it took all my will power not to buy them! Don’t worry Ben, I refrained.
After our day in Montgomery we were going to drop off Will and Nadia back in Auburn and I was continuing to Covington for the week with my parents. The adventure wasn’t over because we ran out of gas! I will not name the guilty party who forgot to fill up but it was pretty hilarious…and hot. We called Ben to bring us gas from Auburn and an 1hr later hot, and sticky, we were on our way.
Monday we had a girl’s day and Dana, Lia, my mom, Charlotte and I all headed to Madison to shop around. It was fun but a bit exhausting. Charlotte and Lia are both very jealous of my mom and Charlotte threw a huge tantrum in one store because my mom was holding Lia. Little booger finally got over when we swapped and I held Lia!
It has been wonderful being in Covington thought I miss Ben like crazy! I’m not good at being apart from my husband for longer than a work day. I don’t see how the army wives do it. Fortunately, we will reunite Thursday in Birmingham for a weekend to celebrate my cousin Katey’s wedding. I will try to post lots of pictures after I get back home.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
"Hey me. Hey Moma. Where you been? Where you been for so long?"
I'd like to say that birthday bliss has continued, and Charlotte and I spend are days in happy contentment. Unfortunately, I am losing my cool all too often and am reaching for either a caffeinated drink or Advil much of the day. Charlotte has gotten more temperamental as she has grown, but things took a turn for the worse the day after her birthday. At first I thought it might be teeth, but now after many days of tantrums I think it is a combination of sleepiness (because she is unwilling to nap), separation anxiety, and man's sinful nature.
The separation anxiety has me desperate for a break. I am with her all day everyday and hold her a good bit of the time. Trust me, I’m a huge fan of baby wearing. However, there are moments when baby wearing isn't working: changing clothes, putting on some makeup, showering, using the restroom; you get the idea. Yet, Charlotte screams bloody murder when I put her down for even a moment.
And the whining!!! I have even less tolerance for it than crying. I believe I get that from my dad. He wasn't a fan and neither am I. I have heard to tell children, "I can't understand you when you whine, you must speak normally," which I think is a great idea, but Charlotte is still too young for this trick. I'd LOVE any suggestions. I am trying to just say "no" calmly and ignore it. But I find myself angry and not staying calm. I am praying for a peaceful demeanor in the midst of endlessly long days.
Yesterday, things were better; probably because I just played and held her most of the day. And the moments when she was content on her own I sewed a maxi skirt for myself. And I actually like it! I’ll try to post pictures latter this week.
The house shows signs of my neglectful day and is begging for a good cleaning. I’m going to try and get a walk in with Charlotte and then let her watch football with her daddy, so I can clean up a bit. I have avoided mopping for too long!
We have had a break from traveling these past few weeks but things are quickly going to pick up. I take one look at my October calendar and get a bit overwhelmed! Yet, there are some fun events on the horizon. Next Saturday is the Walk-n-Roll for SB held at the Montgomery Zoo. It will be my first SB event, and I am so excited to meet other parents and walk in support of the amazing individuals who are affected by SB. I’ll try and take LOTS of pictures!
My pictures are skimpy lately, partially because I really don’t want to take picture of a fussy baby and partially because my brain is too fried to pick up the camera. Did I mention Charlotte has been waking between 4:15 and 5am for the past week and a half? I will try to do better on the next blog but for now I will leave you with some I took while Charlotte was in a better mood. She is starting to whine so I best attend to her highness :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and: WAR EAGLE, GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
The separation anxiety has me desperate for a break. I am with her all day everyday and hold her a good bit of the time. Trust me, I’m a huge fan of baby wearing. However, there are moments when baby wearing isn't working: changing clothes, putting on some makeup, showering, using the restroom; you get the idea. Yet, Charlotte screams bloody murder when I put her down for even a moment.
And the whining!!! I have even less tolerance for it than crying. I believe I get that from my dad. He wasn't a fan and neither am I. I have heard to tell children, "I can't understand you when you whine, you must speak normally," which I think is a great idea, but Charlotte is still too young for this trick. I'd LOVE any suggestions. I am trying to just say "no" calmly and ignore it. But I find myself angry and not staying calm. I am praying for a peaceful demeanor in the midst of endlessly long days.
Yesterday, things were better; probably because I just played and held her most of the day. And the moments when she was content on her own I sewed a maxi skirt for myself. And I actually like it! I’ll try to post pictures latter this week.
The house shows signs of my neglectful day and is begging for a good cleaning. I’m going to try and get a walk in with Charlotte and then let her watch football with her daddy, so I can clean up a bit. I have avoided mopping for too long!
We have had a break from traveling these past few weeks but things are quickly going to pick up. I take one look at my October calendar and get a bit overwhelmed! Yet, there are some fun events on the horizon. Next Saturday is the Walk-n-Roll for SB held at the Montgomery Zoo. It will be my first SB event, and I am so excited to meet other parents and walk in support of the amazing individuals who are affected by SB. I’ll try and take LOTS of pictures!
My pictures are skimpy lately, partially because I really don’t want to take picture of a fussy baby and partially because my brain is too fried to pick up the camera. Did I mention Charlotte has been waking between 4:15 and 5am for the past week and a half? I will try to do better on the next blog but for now I will leave you with some I took while Charlotte was in a better mood. She is starting to whine so I best attend to her highness :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and: WAR EAGLE, GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"As I went down to the River to pray, Studying about that good ol' way, And who shall wear the starry crown? Good Lord show me the way"
I hope everyone had as wonderful a Labor Day weekend as I did. We headed to Blackberry Farms with Ben's family, and it was a MUCH needed break.

We arrived Friday evening and had room service, which was amazing! I had a scrumptious fish entree which had me wishing I could take a cooking class from their chef.
The morning came, and I decided to go exploring with Charlotte.

The scenery was breathtaking.

It's so nice to spend time with Charlotte without worrying about all that needs to be done; to just enjoy being.

Saturday night we had dinner at one of the main buildings. It was delicious. However, Charlotte was high maintenance and finally broke down before my main course came. It was the first time I had to carry her out of a restaurant screaming and the walk felt endless. To her credit, it was late and had been a very busy day.
Sunday, the weather cooled down. We had an amazing brunch and then decided to go exploring on the golf cart with Mike and Mary.

It is a memory I will cherish forever.

This is why I take pictures, to help remember moments that are fleeting but so very special.

Charlotte loved the adventure.

Charlotte definitely dug the golf cart; wind in the hair and best of all, no car seat, just Nana's lap.

We laughed a lot.

We drove that golf cart into the ground...literally, it died and we had to call for a ride. It was a wonderful afternoon.

That night the laughter and wonderful memories continued with a divine dinner at the Barn. We were all dressed up and chatting away. Every meal we played the game of move all dishes and silverware away from Charlotte's reach. My watermelon and beet gazpacho arrived, and I reached for a utensils that I had pushed away from Charlotte's grasping hands. In a split second she pulled that soup bowl down onto both of us and our outfits quickly took on the color of red beets. The waiter came by just as it was happening and uttered, "OH!" And then the laughter started. We were all cracking up and as soon as one person stopped someone else would start up. My belly literally hurt that night from all the laughter.

I am sure one day we will fondly tell Charlotte the story of how she spilled beet juice all over the two of us and became infamous at Blackberry Farms.

I will also fondly tell her how her Nana doted on her and how she was most content in Nana's arms.

We arrived Friday evening and had room service, which was amazing! I had a scrumptious fish entree which had me wishing I could take a cooking class from their chef.
The morning came, and I decided to go exploring with Charlotte.

The scenery was breathtaking.

It's so nice to spend time with Charlotte without worrying about all that needs to be done; to just enjoy being.

Saturday night we had dinner at one of the main buildings. It was delicious. However, Charlotte was high maintenance and finally broke down before my main course came. It was the first time I had to carry her out of a restaurant screaming and the walk felt endless. To her credit, it was late and had been a very busy day.
Sunday, the weather cooled down. We had an amazing brunch and then decided to go exploring on the golf cart with Mike and Mary.

It is a memory I will cherish forever.

This is why I take pictures, to help remember moments that are fleeting but so very special.

Charlotte loved the adventure.

Charlotte definitely dug the golf cart; wind in the hair and best of all, no car seat, just Nana's lap.

We laughed a lot.

We drove that golf cart into the ground...literally, it died and we had to call for a ride. It was a wonderful afternoon.

That night the laughter and wonderful memories continued with a divine dinner at the Barn. We were all dressed up and chatting away. Every meal we played the game of move all dishes and silverware away from Charlotte's reach. My watermelon and beet gazpacho arrived, and I reached for a utensils that I had pushed away from Charlotte's grasping hands. In a split second she pulled that soup bowl down onto both of us and our outfits quickly took on the color of red beets. The waiter came by just as it was happening and uttered, "OH!" And then the laughter started. We were all cracking up and as soon as one person stopped someone else would start up. My belly literally hurt that night from all the laughter.

I am sure one day we will fondly tell Charlotte the story of how she spilled beet juice all over the two of us and became infamous at Blackberry Farms.

I will also fondly tell her how her Nana doted on her and how she was most content in Nana's arms.

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